Tuesday, July 24, 2007

And my brain goes poof!

Great heavens above.

I just bought our tickets. We fly out of Vancouver, Canada on Thursday, September 13 and arrive in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday, September 15.

It's really, really real now! At the moment of this writing, the freak-out-spazz level of my brain is approximately 5.7 out of 10. I expect this will increase to a full, rip-roarin' 10 in a few hours.

Strange - I'm scared, but I'm grinning!


Merrill said...


I like the *synergy* - you leave 1 year to the day of the wedding. Note: "the" wedding. Because apparently it's the only one that matters now. . .


Merrill said...


I like the *synergy* - you leave 1 year to the day of the wedding. Note: "the" wedding. Because apparently it's the only one that matters now. . .


Lauren said...

Even more synergy: both our weddings fall on the same day of the month! Good ol' 13...