In about 5.75 hours, we shall be willingly entering a pressurized tube that will send us hurtling through the air at ungodly, unnatural speeds, destination Frankfurt.
I don't like flying. But I do like packing!
When we wend on our New Zealand/Australia odyssey, Glen and I each had a large hiker's backpack which faithfully held our gear for close to seven months. They were spacious, they were very comfortable to wear, they were sturdy and emenently useful. They were also very big. After seven months on a relatively limited wardrobe, we both found that we usually rotate between the same two preferred pants and shirts*. With that in mind, we've decided to go the carry-on only for this trip, a la Rick Steves. It really is all we need.
First, here is my backpack fully loaded:
I shall break down the contents for you:
Pants - one pair black yoga pants, one pair grey capris, one pair PJ bottoms
Tops - one longsleeved SPF top, two t-shirts, two tank tops
Outerwear - One windbreaker, one zip-up black yoga jacket
Underwear - One regular bra, one sports bra, 5 pairs underwear, 5 pairs socks
Toiletries - The usual assortment. Toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, bandaids, prescriptions, pepto-bismol, tylenol, etc. My favourite thing in the toiletries bag are the solid bars of shampoo and conditioner from Lush. No bulky bottles, no threat of the stuff leaking all over the bag. I've already given both the shampoo and conditioner a try, and they're brilliant.
Travel Clock
Highly squishable packable daybag
Guidebooks, maps, book for reading.
On the airplane I shall be wearing stretchy jeans, longsleeved shirt, fleece, bandana, hikers, and, needless to say, undies etc (whewh!).
I do need to add a little notebook to my bag, which I shall do when I run out to pick up a couple last minute toiletries sundries. Glen has a fairly similar packing list, minus the bikini and bras, and he also has our camera, batteries, etc.
Needless to say, I am extremely excited. I have been informing Glen every four or five minutes of the fact that WE ARE GOING TO GERMANY.
He is a very patient husband.
I'll try to post as regularly as possible while we are away. Seeing as we aren't bringing Stowaway the Laptop (sorry, buddy) I will be somewhat more limited in my blogging activities than I was when we were in New Zealand. Reports shall come, however, and I will post photos as often as is reasonable. Stay tuned, armchair travellers!
*No, we weren't sharing one another's clothes. We aren't THAT wierd. That being said, I do steal Glen's scrubs on a regular basis.
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